Lycian Way Turkey walking route is designed by Kate Clow in 1999 year. Lycian way starts from Ovacık in Fethiye. It is ended to Geyikbayırı in Antalya. Lycian way’s footage is 530 kms with last added route. Lycian way connect to its city to each others. Lycian people used that way for trade and transportation between the Lycian’s cities.
Lycian way has been choosen the best trekking way in 10 different route in the world. More accomadation options are avaliable while walking because some part of the way is passing in villages.
The Lycian way is signed by volunteners with support of some sponsor companies.
What Can be See on Lycian way Turkey Trekking Route ?
- Wilderness Bays
- Huge Mountain Path
- Forest Region
- Lycian Antique Cities
- Turkish Villages
Signs On Lycian Way
While Hiking on Lycian Way, you will see the parallel red and white marked. It means you are on lycian way and true route. Sometimes, trekkers come across wrong marked by other business owner who has some accomadition or restaurant.
Other marked is “X”. It means you are wrong way.
Which Season Should Hike on Lycian Way ?
You can walk every season depends on your body condition. But Spring season is the best time for hiking on lycian way.That season water sources and weather condition are more suitable than summer time. Best time for trekking on Lycian Way is Mart, April, May,June,End of the September, October and November.
Antique Cities on Lycian Way
Lycian way route is passing more than 18 cities of Lycian. It connect to cities each others. While hiking on lycian way ,you need to pay enterance fee for some Lycian anticient cities. Xanthos, Patara, Letoon, Olympos,Myra are some of them.
What Do you Need for Trekking on Lycian Way ?
Trekking Shoes
- You need comfortable and suitable walking shoes.
- It should be soft and protect the ankle.
- Non-slip
- Waterproof
Trekking Bag
- Smaller bag for summer time
- Bigger bag is for winter time
- For long distance walkin, more than 60 litres capaciy bag should be taken.
Trekking Stick
It is help you during walking and protect your legs on every steps.
After day get dark, if you stay in nature and tent, you absolutely need a flashlight.
First Aid Kit
All trekker who think walk alone without guide, should have a first aid kit. Om walking, there is no emergency place or hospital.
Strong Pants and Shorts
Lycian way path is flat and discents and rush. So during walkng, rush cause to marks on your leg. So pants need. Also it should be got quick dry.
Trekking Long or Short Cloths
It must be protect you hot and cold weather.
If you walk self guided ,you will need map.
12 Advices about Lycian Way Trekking in Turkey
- Beginning of the trekking, move slowly. Give the time to your body to used to get walking.
- Walk in a balance.
- Not compete any one.
- Use walking stick.
- Should walk on a line at edge ,slippery place.
- Have breakfast before the hiking.
- Get with you min 3 litres water.
- During hiking be aware of the natura’s voice.
- Get your sun glasses
- If you make tent, need toilet paper.
- Never get more alcohol.
- After lunch, walk slowly.
- If you trek yourself, inform someone about your last location.